Renovation of Huangpu River Yangpu Bridge Water Quality Automatic Monitoring Station / TJAD Atelier L+

Text description provided by the architects. Huangpu River Yangpu Bridge Water Quality Automatic Monitoring Station is located in Yangpu Riverside of Huangpu River. The base is surrounded by several historical buildings, including the historical protection building Sanxin Cotton Mill on the north side, the historical protection building Shanghai Power Station Auxiliary Equipment Factory on the east side, and the newly renovated Party and Mass Service Station on the west side. The project is a small building in the rich industrial heritage complex.

Renovation of Huangpu River Yangpu Bridge Water Quality Automatic Monitoring Station  / TJAD Atelier L+ - Exterior Photography, Windows
Renovation of Huangpu River Yangpu Bridge Water Quality Automatic Monitoring Station  / TJAD Atelier L+ - Exterior Photography, Windows, Cityscape

The original monitoring station house has been abandoned for many years. The station house on the ground is 5m long and 12m wide, surrounded by a crumbling courtyard and a landscape tree pool. Underground is an abandoned sewage treatment pond. Its original structure is intact, including a collection pond, a sludge pond, and a two-foot pond. The 380m2 underground building forms an underground concrete box structure.